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These are the committees defined within NAWBA. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
This Committee is responsible for the planning and organizing of the 2015 Championships (the annual working trial).
The Board of Directors manages NAWBA's finances and to coordinate its activities
This committee is to be a resource for carting with a bouvier. And to encourage others to be involved in this sport.
The Herding Committee includes individuals knowledgeable about herding with a bouvier to be a resource with herding with bouviers. And as with other Committees, to encourage and promote activities in this sport.
The IPO/Schutzhund Committee includes individuals knowledgeable about IPO/Schutzhund and willing to educate and be a resource for those wanting to train in this protection sport.
This includes the Journal editor and others willing to help find articles etc for the Journal
The Membership Committee deals with anything related to membership: applications for new members, renewal notices, membership cards, etc. The NAWBA Secretary focuses on the membership side and NAWBA Treasurer focuses on the financial side.
The Ring Sport Committee is to be a resource for those competing in Ring Sport as well as promoting and encouraging new members in this sport.
The Coordinator for the Scorebooks is in charge of processing applications for a scorebook and maintains the records for the scorebooks. The Coodinator is also a resource about scorebooks in general.
This Committee is a resource and willing to educate those doing Search and Rescue with their bouviers. This Committee also encourages more bouviers and owners to be involved with Search and Rescue.
The purpose of the Sheila Cronan Fund is to provide support to youth and first-time individuals competing. In the absence of someone willing to be the Chairperson, the Board of Directors will coordinate any requests for use of this Fund.
The Ubie Fund Committee reviews requests for sponsorship money for activities that include bouviers. After approval from this Committee, it is forwarded to the Board for final approval.
This Committee coordinates and promotes the online store of NAWBA related items
The Website Committee includes one or more individuals who are willing to maintain the interactive web page.